
Some of the more frequently asked questions, as well as answers, are listed here.

When I try to run Dr Paper, it just keeps reinstalling. What is going on?
You are double clicking on the installation file. To start Dr Paper, click Start, All Programs, DrPaper4, and choose one of the menu options for creating papers and writing references.

When I try to create an APA or MLA document, I get a message that says "The macros in this project are disabled." How do I enable the macros?
The Dr Paper templates for Word use macros - and, quite often, Word's installation program sets your system so that macros won't run unless you tell them to. To reset the options in Word to run macros, see the Help topic
"Enabling macros".

When I print my references, the names aren't coming out right. What do I do to get them to be formatted correctly for APA Style?
Names need to be entered in CiteWrite like this: White, James R.; Anderson, Maria; Wilson, E. N.

When names are entered appropriately, CiteWrite can format them for citations in APA, MLA, or Turabian style. Please see the Help topic "CiteWrite Guidelines".

How do I enter a record in CiteWrite for a musical composition? Are there examples for different types of sources?
A page of sample records for the most typical kinds of source works (journal articles, books, web pages) is included in the Dr Paper Help system, in the topic "CiteWrite Guidelines and Illustrations." This topic is also
online. There are sample records for just about any type of source work at the main Styleguide page for Citation and CiteWrite. Click on the link to the StyleGuide, and enter the type of source work in the search box.

I have a paper I already wrote, and need to reformat it in APA Style. How can I do that with Dr Paper?
You will need to create a blank formatted document with Dr Paper, and copy the information from your paper to the formatted document.. Here is what you do:
  1. Click Start, All Programs, and create a new document with Dr Paper, with the title and other information needed.
  2. Click File, Save, and save the blank Dr Paper document with a filename.
  3. Now open your paper, and copy all the text.
  4. Go back to the Dr Paper formatted document, and paste the text into the area AFTER the title of the paper (where it says "Start typing your paper here").
Once you have the text of the paper copied, you will need to reset the Styles using the builtin formatting Styles in the Dr Paper document. To do this:
  1. Click Format, Styles and Formatting.
  2. Highlight the text of the body of your paper, and then click on the Style called "Body".
  3. If you have quotations, highlight the text of the quotation, and click on the Style called "Quotation."
  4. If you have section headings, highlight the text of the section heading, and click on the appropriate Heading style.
Make sure you save the document again after you have set the Styles!

I need to submit my paper electronically. How do I clear the macros from the document before I send it?
Dr Paper creates APA, MLA, and Turabian documents by using the Visual Basic commands used by Word Macros. If you are submitting your paper electronically, or if you simply do not want to leave the security settings in Word on Medium, you can remove the macros used to created the paper:

To clear the Dr Paper macros from your document:

  1. Click Tools, Templates and Add-Ins.
  2. Find the text that reads "DrPaperAPAStyle.wiz" -- or something similar (the name of the macro will depend on which template you used to create the paper).
  3. Delete the name of this macro.
  4. Click OK, and then save the document.

The macros will be removed from the open document (they will remain on your computer, so you can create another paper). THE FORMATTING OF THE DOCUMENT WILL REMAIN THE SAME.

I just upgraded my Dr Paper to the full version of Citation. Do I need to uninstall Dr Paper?
No -- probably, you shouldn't uninstall Dr Paper just yet. There are some new templates in the DP4 package that haven't yet been added to the Citation package. Some of them might be useful (for outlines, tables, etc.). The two can coexist on your computer, so unless space is a serious issue on your computer, you are probably better off leaving them both installed.

When I try to start CiteWrite, I get an error message. How do I get it to work?
  1. Close everything (including Word).
  2. Click Start, My Computer. Open Local Disk C:, and then open the folder called DrPaper4
  3. Double click on the file named citewrite.exe (you may not see the exe if you have your folder options set NOT to display file extensions) This will start the CiteWrite program.
  4. Click File, Open Datafile, and open the file named refs.cit (it might display as just refs)
  5. Place the cursor in the field labeled Abstract, and type a word. Now delete what you have just typed.
  6. Click File, Save, and then click File, Exit.
Now when you click Start, Programs, DrPaper4, References - CiteWrite, the program will start with refs.cit open for editing.

When I click the Insert option on the Preview box, nothing happens -- the intext citation is not put into my document How do I get it to work?
  1. Close everything (including Word).
  2. Click Start, My Computer. Open Local Disk C:, and then open the folder called DrPaper4. Use Windows to resize this folder, so that it doesn't take up your entire screen.
  3. Click Start, My Computer. Open Local Disk C:, and then open the folder called Program Files.
  4. In Program Files, open the folder called Microsoft Office, then open the folder called Office11, then open the folder called STARTUP.
  5. Copy the file called citwdhxp.wll from the DRPAPER4 folder to the Office11 STARTUP folder.
  6. Close the folders
If this does not fix the problem, please contact support : support@thewritedirection.net

I have a paper I already wrote, and need to reformat it in APA Style. How can I do that with Dr Paper?
The easiest way to reformat a paper you've already written is to paste the text into a new document created with Dr Paper:
  1. Create a new document using Dr Paper (click Start, Programs, DrPaper4, and choose the template that is appropriate for your paper- if you don't have an abstract, for instance, choose the one "without an Abstract")
  2. Enter the information for your paper (the title, running head, etc.)
  3. Open the paper you want to reformat, and highlight all the text of the paper.
  4. Open the new document you've just created, and paste the text in where it says "Start typing your paper here"
  5. Highlight the paragraphs, and make sure the text of the paper is set to Body Style.
  6. If you have typed section headings for your paper:
    Click in the section headings to make sure they are set to the right heading style (put the cursor in your section heading, and click on the style in the APA Toolbar).
  7. Save the new document with a completely new name (do NOT overwrite your original!!!!!)

When you're done, it should be formatted correctly. If this does not fix the problem, please contact support : support@thewritedirection.net