
To enter a note record:
  1. Click Edit, Add Record, and choose Notes as the form.
  2. Include information on the SOURCE of the note (Author, Year, and Specific Page), so you can cite it properly.
  3. Enter a direct quote in Excerpt field; enter your comments in the Comments field. You can copy information from a web page into these fields, but make sure they do not contain the "<" or ">" characters.
  4. Enter keywords to help you relocate the Notes you've taken on a particular topic.
  5. You can enter a link to a website in this record; double click on the link to go to the website. To enter a link to a document or pdf file on your computer, type file:// + the full path for the file.
Sample Note Record:

To find a note record you've entered:
Press the Page Down key until you see the note you need, or use the Short List:

  1. Click View, Short List, and locate the first line of the quote in the Short List.
  2. Double click on the listing of the note to go to the note itself.

Sample Short List:

To write a document of notecards to Word with all your notes:

  1. Open a BLANK DOCUMENT in your word processor.
  2. Click Generate, Bibliography, and choose Notecards as the Style.
  3. Make sure the option to INCLUDE ABSTRACTS is checked, and click OK.
  4. If you are using Works or a word processor other than MS Word, click Edit, Paste to insert the notecards into the blank document.
  5. Print the document.

Sample Note Document: