
Starting CiteWrite

To start CiteWrite, click Start, Programs, DrPaper4, References - CiteWrite.

CiteWrite will start, showing you a sample entry for an Article in a Journal:

You can change the form to a different type of source work (e.g., Book, Web Page, Report) by clicking Edit, Change Form, and choosing a different form.

Basic Guidelines for entering bibliographic information in CiteWrite.
CiteWrite will format your references for you, putting everything in the correct order, with the right punctuation and print attributes. There are just a few rules you need to follow as you are entering information:

Names: Authors, Editors, and Translators
Always enter names like this:


One author
Saunders, Jennifer B.

Two authors
Williams, Adrian; Patel, R. M.

Multiple authors
Smith, Jane R.; Wilson, James B.; Lee, R. W.; West, Mary; Burns, Cecil M.

Article, Report, and Book Titles.
Enter titles in lower case. Citation will capitalize the words that need to be capitalized when you write your references.
Traveling along the Miami: Reflections of a river rambler
Journal names.
Capitalize all the significant words (not "a", "and," "in," etc.) in a Journal name.
Research Trends in Psychology
Inclusive Pages.
The inclusive pages for an article are the page on which the article begins, and the page on which it ends.
Specific page.
If you are citing a particular quote, enter the page on which that quote appears.