
Formatting in text cites
Intext citations, for APA Style, are placed in the body of your paper; the citation includes the author’s last name, the year of publication, and, a specific page reference (if the material is a direct quote).

To format in text cites for your paper, change the style in the Preview box to show formatted in text citations:

  1. In your paper, put the cursor where you need an intext citation.

  2. In CiteWrite, find the entry for the work you want to cite in your datafile. (The easiest way to do this is to use the Page Down key, but you can also click Find, and search for the author's name or the title).

  3. On the CiteWrite menu, click View, Preview box. Cite Write will format an intext citation for the current entry.

  4. Click Insert on the Preview box to pop the formatted in text cite into your document.

To include the rest of your intext citations, just go to the entry for the work you want to cite, put the cursor in the right spot, and click Insert again.

If you have many entries in your CiteWrite datafile, you can click View, Short List to view a list of the records in the datafile. Double click on any of the entries to go to that record.